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11/7 (mon) 音楽実験室・MAD MUSICIAN’S WORKSHOP, VOL. 1


Quin Arbeitman (keyboard, andes, accordion)
木村蝶子 (piano, melodica)
Dave Moss (bass)
黒田雅之 (sax)
KEITH  キース (percussion)

◇ OPEN 19:00  / START 20:00
◇ door.2000 yen with 1drink

A night of improvisational musical games and experiments. It is said that too much freedom can be bad for creativity. Conversely, limitations necessitate strong choices. From this comes beauty. The Mad Musician’s Workshop assembles professional musicians, and torments them with improvisational games with the goal of producing music that moves and surprises.



QUIN ARBEITMAN クイン・アルバイトマン (piano, andes, accordion)

Quin is from New York State, but he has lived in Japan for 12 years, both in Tokyo and Fukuoka. Since coming to Japan, as well as leading his own group, “Arbeitman and Salaryman”, he has accompanied artists as diverse as Masahiro Kuwana and Rickie-G, composed a work for Symphonic Band and Jazz Trio for Fukuoka City, and performed the voice of Sally the Bird for NHK’s celebrated cartoon “Little Charo”. He moved to Kyoto last year. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!



CHOKO KIMURA AIKEN 木村アイケン・ちょうこ (piano, melodica)

 Choko,  born and raised in Japan, began studying classical piano at the age of three.  She studied piano, violin, voice and music theory at Colleges in Tokyo and Fukuoka as well as making journeys to the United States to study jazz in LA and NY. Her “Imagination” album, recorded in LA in 2011, was featured in that years February issue of “JAZZIZ” magazine. Choko now lives in Birmingham, Alabama, where she continues to play at a variety of jazz venues and festivals, and as always she looks forward to continuing on with her main goal of simply making people “Happy” with her music!

 2010年8月、7月初旬にロサンジェルスにてレコーディングされたCD”Imagination”が8月28日に発売された。 2011年4月にアメリカのジャズ雑誌JAZZIZ春号にCD”Imagination”の記事が掲載され、 コンピレーションアルバムにも取り上げられるなど高い評価を得た。 現在アメリカアラバマ在住。 今も尚、ライブ、Jazz Festival やコンサートなど活躍中。


DAVE MOSS  デーヴモス (bass)

Dave Moss is an electric and double bassist, and avid explorer of sound, who has been interested in how the nature of sound relates to all aspects of life, in addition to how sound can offer profound healing qualities to the world at large.  As a performer, teacher and composer, Moss has been deeply inspired to realize the multiple dimensions of sound, which has opened up a plethora of possibilities for him to dive into and participate with, which go beyond mere musical systems, styles and techniques.

Dave Moss had lived in New York City for nearly 13 years and has since relocated to Kyoto, Japan as of January, 2016.  During his time in New York City, he had performed and collaborated with Eric McPherson, William Parker, Daniel Carter, Charnette Moffett, Demian Richardson, Aaron Scott, Salim Washington, Kenny Wessel, Ferenc Nemeth, John Blum, and Charles Gayle.  Several groups included:   WAKE UP!, SEARCH, Three Daves, Gumma Tribe and The Missing Ones.  Moss has also written pieces for solo bass, and plays in the electronic, experimental group, Platypus Revenge.  Perhaps one of the biggest moments for Moss, was meeting his long-time hero, Ornette Coleman. This introduction had led to regular, deeply transformational meetings and sessions, every few months, for over 8 years.

After studying for one year at The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music, Moss transferred and later graduated from The City College of New York with a BFA in Music.  In his spare time, he enjoys learning Japanese and studying comparative mythology.

 1979年生まれ、アメリカ • カルフォリニア州 • サンフランシスコ出身

ジャズ、ロック、エレクトロニック ベーシスト(コントラバス、エレクトリックベース演奏者)

2003年にニューヨークへ移り、奨学金を得て、New School コンテンポラリー音楽部 • ジャズ科へ入学。その後、ニューヨーク市立大学City College音楽学部ジャズパフォーマンス科へ編入し、2006年、同大学にてBFAを取得、卒業。

ニューヨークでの活躍は、ジョン • ゾーンの主催するThe Stone、Spectrum、Cornelia Street Cafe、The Issue Project Roomなど数々の有名なライブハウスでの演奏、Charnette Moffett、Eric McPherson、Ferenc Nemeth、William Parkerなどとの共演、Charlie Parker Jazz Festival、World Science Festival、Care Fusion Jazz Festivalなど様々なミュージック フェスティバルへの出演、に加えてジャズグループ SEARCH、ジャズロックグループ WAKE UP! 、エレクトロニック ジャズ ロックグループPlatypus Revengeなどのグループでの活躍、CDリリース(Dried Orange Records、577 recordsより発売)など、多岐にわたる。2009年、音楽雑誌 All About Jazz Magazineに、2010年、Downbeat Magazine, Special 2010 Winter Editionにてジャズグループ SEARCHのCDレビューが掲載され、2010年には、WIRE magazine にて WAKE UP! が取り上げられ、そのオリジナル性が高く評価される。2014年には、ニューヨークのラジオ局 WKCR Radio Stationにて2時間に渡るインタビュー/演奏の番組出演。また、8年に渡るOrnette Colemanとの度重なるセッションは、Dave Moss の音楽観、哲学、世界観に深い変容をもたらした。



KEITH  キース (percussion)

Keith was born in Canada.  After 26 years of long Arctic winters he journeyed to Japan in 2002 and has lived in Kyoto for most of that time.  Playing a variety of percussive instruments, he wanders around the Kansai area, mainly Kyoto, and plays whenever he gets the chance to.



MASAYUKI KURODA 黒田雅之 (saxophone)

 担当:サックス 15歳から独学で学び、20歳からプロ活動を開始 多彩なプレイスタイルはジャズだけにとどまらず、 ロックやポップスなど芸能人やシンガーのサポートもこなしている またホーンセクションのアレンジを手がけ、 アレンジャーとしても活躍 インストラクターとしての経験も20年を迎え 全国でのセミナー、レッスンを行っている 現在、天理音楽院京都店でも教鞭をとる。


19:00 〜23:00