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2/17 (mon) FOuR DANCERS vol.160~Hong Kong Special !~




Blue Ka Wing (from Hong Kong)
Wilfred Wong (from Hong Kong)
野村香子(音楽提供:Masahiko Takeda)
Moe Kobayashi (dancer) × Makoto Ishizaka (music) × Junnosuke (choreographer)

160回目を迎えるFOuR DANCERS


◇ OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
◇ adv.2200 yen + 1drink / door.2600 yen + 1drink
◇ dancer. 1800yen + 1drink

Photographer-Terry Tsang4
“Experimental Relationships” 

Photographer-Wilfred Wong2
“God Limps”

Wilfred Wong
Wilfred Wong
Wilfred Wong graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He formed an
experimental art group HerStory Polygon with young artists at 2011. The works include 7
Jewish Children on single line, Time with Antonin Artaud, 2046/Xiao Hong in red, In Search
of The ReXXlution Scene(s), A Kitchen of her own, Regarding O, How I learned to do BAD
drifting and etc. Within 8 years, HerStory Polygon had created more than 20 works and
performed in different cities including, Scotland, Macau, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Beijing and etc.
Wilfred Wong also joined different creations independently, including "An Oral Hisotory of
Hong Kgon Dance (1950s-70s)" (CCDC ; Video Directing), "Little Prince" (Dance Film
exchange with Kyoto), "My Daddy, My Flying Car and Me" (CCAS 2016/2018 ; Directing),
"The Invisible S" (Work for Blue Ka Wing ; HKAF ; Dramaturg & Video designer)
Besides, Wilfred Wong has also been involved in multimedia video creation and intended to
research the aesthetics of combining interactive multimedia and theatre. The works include
"Love and Information" and "Postcolonial Affairs of Food and the Heart" by Onandon,
"Sketches of 1967" by Pants Theatre Production, "The Left Hander" by Blue Ka Wing,
"Door" by Y-space and etc. Wilfred also worked closely with different parites, including
IATC(HK), Theatre du pif, Alice Theatre Laboratory, Passoverdance, HKAF, Tai Kwun and
etc. More, his dance film"9" had been selected by multiple international dance film festivals
POOL 19 – Internationales TanzFilmFestival Berlin
International Dance Film Festival Brussels
Fiver International Screendance Movement
VII. Festival de Videdanza de Palma
5th Moving Images International Videodance Festival
Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival
“9” is awarded the Mención especial Fiver from Fiver International Screendance Movement;
2019 International Dance Video Award and Audience's Choice from One Minute Jumping
Frames Dance Video Competition.

Processed with VSCO with au5 preset

Blue Ka Wing
Blue Ka Wing, left-hander, an independent dance artist in Hong Kong. Started her dance
training at the age of 16. In 2010, she graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for
Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, majoring in Contemporary Dance and
Choreography. Her works include "The Neighbor" presented by E-Side Dance Company.
“The Left Hander" and Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme (2016, 2018) “My Daddy,
My Flying Car and Me” were presented by LCSD. She premiered her short piece “Time Lag”
at the 44 th Hong Kong Arts Festival’s The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance
Series Programme 3 “Dance Off”. Afterwards, this piece has been invited to perform in
Fukuoka Dance Fringe Festival vol.10 (Japan) and New Dance for Asia-NDA International
Festival (Korea). Blue’s “Time Lag” also got the shortlisted nomination by Hong Kong
Dance Award 2017 as Outstanding Choreography.
“Experimental Relationships” is a 20 minutes work which commissioned and produced by
the Hong Kong Arts Festival 2019. Afterwards, it is selected by Yokohama Dance Collection
2020. Then it will be presented in TPAM and UrBANGUILD (Kyoto) in February 2020 too.
During 2018-2019, Blue participated in several festivals/choreographic research
-1-month residence of ImPulsTanz: ATLAS – create your dance trails in Vienna.
-11 days choreographic research week of B. Motion Festival in Bassano Del Grappa, Italy.
-2 weeks residence of “Creative Meeting Point: Hong Kong x Australia” in Melbourne
Besides performing arts, Blue is also interested in making dance film.
“God Limps”
POOL 19 – Internationales TanzFilmFestival Berlin
5th Moving Images International Videodance Festival
POOL 19 – Internationales TanzFilmFestival Berlin
International Dance Film Festival Brussels
Fiver International Screendance Movement
VII. Festival de Videdanza de Palma
5th Moving Images International Videodance Festival
Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival

“9” is awarded the Mención especial Fiver from Fiver International Screendance
Movement; 2019 International Dance Video Award and Audience's Choice from One Minute
Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition.
Blue was a part-time contract dancer at Y-Space Dance Company during 2012-2013 and now
an independent artist working with various dance companies and artists.


’07年〜17’年Monochrome Circusに所属。以降カンパニーの主要ダンサーとして国内外問わず多くの舞台に立ち経験を積む。他、ディディエ・テロンやチョン・ヨンドゥ、ミカエル・モーリッセン等のプロジェクトに出演。18’年Quartier am Hafen(ドイツ/ケルン)にて滞在制作を行った。15’年「ゴーダ企画」設立。アーティストの発掘・発信・出会いの場を幅広く提供することを目的に様々な企画の運営を行っている。2016年12月「香港×京都ダンスエクスチェンジ」において、Blue Ka WingとWilfred Wongを京都に招聘。その後、前田英一演出『Every day is a new beginning』(2018)の企画・出演など「踊る」「創る」と並行して精力的に活動中。

Moe Kobayashi (dancer) 
1996年生まれ。大東文化大学卒業。5歳から始めた空手で初段をもつ。13歳からダンスを始め、身体表現の世界に魅かれていく。在学中に<odd fish>として作品を発表しコンペティションにて受賞。韓国でも作品を発表。現在も自ら創作し発表している。

Makoto Ishizaka (music)
 Jazz,Fusion,R&B,Rock,Pops,Classic等の幅広いジャンルを愛する家庭で育ち、幼少から多くの音楽に触れる。14歳でエレキベースを始め、19歳にMI JAPAN×Bass Magazine主催のベースソロコンテストで大阪2次予選スラップ部門賞を獲得。次年度の同コンテストでは全国から7名のファイナリストに選出。短期間の単身渡米の経験が数回あり、アメリカMontereyの現地でセッションに参加。 過去に、Jazz at Sanjo、Kobe Jazz Day、高槻ジャズストリート、Kobe Brilliant Sound Fes Jazz Competition ファイナルに出演及び出場経験あり。 甲陽音楽学院首席卒業。 2018秋より、バークリー音楽大学に奨学金受賞を経て入学、在学中。

Junnosuke (choreographer)
 1993年鹿児島県生まれ。京都造形芸術大学映画学科を卒業。 YOKOHAMA DANCE COLLECTION EX 2019 CONPETITION Ⅱ に「隣人の」で振付家デビュー。 share house SANMAにて、 「GITANES」・「sopamusik」 KYOTO ART HOSTEL kumagusukuにて、「chill」 のFree Beer回遊式パフォーマンスをおこなった。 写真では京都から東京までをヒッチハイクした時に、それをワンカットで撮影した映像を一枚の写真にする『a myth of the Japanese street culture』を制作。


19:00 〜22:30