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4/11 (tue) Living Arts vol.39



Reprépirer + 一柳綾乃(LivePainting)
ieva a.k.a Samuel André
Virtaranta Okuda Berger trio


◇ OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
◇ adv.1700 yen + 1drink / door.2000 yen + 1drink

ベーシスト、岡田康孝のソロプロジェクト コントラバスとディレイ、ルーパーを使い、独自の世界を作りあげる。 コントラバスと共に歌えることを感謝して、一音一音に命を込めて全身全霊で世界に表現をリリースする。 激しさも、静けさも、色も、温度も、感情を音楽に換えてコントラバスと共に歌う。
Yasutaka Okada : Contrabass
Once you listen to his melody, you’ll be in his original world. He makes beautiful sounds on his own term, that comes from his gratitude towards the Contrabass and the sounds it makes. More likely he sings a song of intensity, calmness, color, temperature, and feelings with his instrument.

静岡県出身、京都在住。 作家。絵描き。時々デザイナー。
平面作品以外に、ライブペインティング・服飾ブランドとのコラボ・ワークショップ講師など 様々な「絵」のジャンルで活動をしている

Ayano Ichiyanagi  : Paint
Born in Shizuoka.
She is known as an artist, painter, and designer.
You can tell how she grew up in the beautiful environment by her art work that mostly using some kind of motif inspired by the Nature. She also works in a field of teaching in a collaboration workshop with other artist such as fashion brand.
There’s no boundary in her art.


ieva a.k.a Samuel André
1978年生まれ、仏国ノルマンディー出身、現在京都市在住のマルチメディア・アーティスト、サミュエル・アンドレは大学時代に数学と認知科学を学び、 ミュージック・インタフェースの研究を卒業論文のテーマにする。2001年に「ieva」の名でアコースティックミュージックに影響を受けたオーディオプ ロジェクトを発表。2002年には「ザ・アクイターティヴ・ミュージックコンテスト」のエクスペリメンタル・ムービー部門で優勝。2015年には 札幌国際芸術祭2014(Sapporo*north2 AWARD ver.SIAF2014)にて映像作家ジャック・ペルコントとの共作「M, Aerogeradores 」で年間部門の優秀賞を受賞する。
2013年には多国籍ミュージシャン、ヴィデオアーティスト、そして詩人からなるコレクティヴ・ミュージックアンサンブル「ensō watt」をスタート。(
最新アルバム「lueurs」をフレンチミュージックレーベル「Eillen rec」よりリリース。(
Urs13 Playground (台北), WSK (マニラ) in 2011, Hanarart 2013, Gallery Week (京都) & Nuit Blanche in 2014 (京都), KG+とParasophia; 京都国際現代芸術祭 in 2015.
Born in 1978, in Normandy, Samuel André is a self-taught French multimedia artist, presently residing in Kyoto. Trained in mathematics, cognitive sciences and the research of musical interfaces, in 2001, he developed a unique audio project – under the name ieva – composing scores for “imaginary journeys” influenced by acoustic music.  His main focus is field recording, and spatiality of sound.
In 2002, he won the 1st prize of the Aquitaine movie-music contest in the experimental movie category and in 2015 the prize of excellence for his collaborative work with Jacques Perconte at Sapporo*north2 AWARD ver.SIAF2014.
In 2011, he founded the micro music label Pollen (, dedicated to curation of art & experimental event in Kyoto.
In 2013, he started the collective musical ensemble Ensō Watt ( an eclectic and In multinational mix of musicians, conductor, video artists and a poet.
In 2016 , he founded the improvisation band Puma ( and intensifies his live planting performance with Re:planter.

In parallel to music, his installations have been shown in different exhibitions, Urs13 Playground
(Taipei), WSK (Manila) in 2011, Hanarart 2013, Gallery Week (Kyoto) & Nuit Blanche in 2014 (Kyoto), KG+ & Parasophia in 2015.

VOB (Jaka, Rieko and Antti), a trio exploring the small and minimal in improvisation. Prepared drums, Viola and Doublebass creates a unique and vibrant palette of sound to be formed and reformed into their musical pieces. Any sound can be taken and manipulated to create the compositions. The focus of the group lies in its role-less performance where every musician is responsible for rhythm, harmony and melody. With their different backgrounds musically and culturally, these three musicians bring these various ideas to the trio’s music. They recorded their first album live in january 2016 and released it at Slovenian label for experimental music Zvočni Prepihi. Album was presented on two tours in Europe, where the trio also developed their style and got even more focused on specific parameters of improvising within minimal repetitioning using expanded techniques and prepared sounds. In june 2016 they recorded their second album Nature of spinning that is going to be released on 1.march 2017 at labels Zvočni Prepihi and japanese label OOO! Sound, followed by a japanese release tour in march 2017.


19:00 〜23:00